Check A Vet will prevent Veteran suicide by raising public awareness and calling upon American citizens to meaningfully and routinely engage Veterans.
Free tool to prevent Veteran suicide.
This tool was created using the same doctrine that mental healthcare professionals use to prevent suicide. The key to our tool is that it has CAMOUFLAGE wrapped around it. Our team of Doctors has incorporated Veteran-specific issues like Post-Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Sexual Trauma during military service into a Veteran-specific suicide prevention tool.
Here is what people have been saying about Check A Vets’ impact so far:
From a mother who lost her son to suicide
“This is a wonderful model. Finally, someone is presenting a problem/solution approach to preventing Veteran suicide. I only wish Check A Vet was around before it was too late for my son.”
Sherrie P.
From a Doctor in Holistic Medicine
“This organization is the real deal for building awareness and solutions for truly understanding the challenges facing our Veterans. God Bless!”
Dr. Gail B.
From a fellow Veteran
“Thank you for this messaging. Was in for eleven years and still struggle from time to time, can’t imagune how mush worse it can be for others”
Logan G.
From a fellow Nonprofit leader
“Great Leadership. Great Sources. Remarkable Cause. #checkavet365”
Joe M.
Veteran suicide is PREVENTABLE
Strategies to meaningfully engage the veteran in your life
Suicide Safety plan
Suicide Risk and Protective Factors
Raise awareness of Veteran suicides
Our Public Service Announcements
Public education on Veteran suicide
Veteran and family resources

Learn the Signs
If you are a Veteran in a mental health crisis and you are thinking about hurting yourself—or you know a Veteran who is considering this—get help right away. You are not alone.